Friday, 6 January 2012

A year of classic cinema

12 films in 2012

As I mentioned in item 5 of my 12 in 2012, I would love to watch a 'classic' film each month this year, and maybe turn it into a classic film/date night.

Now I'm asking for your help!
I know the term 'classic' will have different meanings for each of us, and I'm not just talking about old or vintage films. There are some modern classics that are definitely worth seeing (Zoolander anyone?!)
My only conditions are that I have not seen them before (Phil might have seen them but I've got some catching up to do) and that they are not horrors or anything that would scare me (I don't want nightmares).

So, I'm opening the floor to suggestions, recommendations and ideas. What classic do you love? What are your favourites? What classics do I 'need' to see?
The more the merrier...maybe we can continue the idea into 2013?!

Just to help - some 'classics' I have seen already:
- The Shawshank Redemption (we happen to own 3 copies of this!)
- To Kill A Mockingbird
- Citizen Kane
- The Green Mile
- Memento

Ideas currently on the list:
- The Great Escape
- Pulp Fiction
- Sleepless in Seattle


The Mind and Soul Collective said...

try something even more classic - - £3 in itunes

laura anne said...

My friend and her fiance have been working their way through films that won Best Picture at the Oscars.

Some of my faves (though some didn't actually win)

The Color Purple
Dead Poet's Society
The Godfather
Sophie's Choice
Forrest Gump
Life is Beautiful/La Vita e Bella
Slumdog Millionaire
The Hurt Locker
An Education
Walk The Line

lynn said...

My all time favourite: A Room With a View.

I think you will love that one.