Friday, 9 December 2011

More updates...

So, I'm totally behind in posting the photos from my phone so here are October and November...
October 2011

1. Christmas outfits spotted while shopping...and no, I wasn't tempted!
2, 3, 4 & 5. Fun in the park
6. Bible overview!
7. Taking Noah and the Ark to bed
8. Chatting up the old ladies at the cafe!
9. Educational bedtime reading!
10. Alternative use for a hood!
11 & 12. Dressing up as a monkey!

November 2011

1. Christmas decoration up at the Dome already (literally the 1st Nov!)
2. Homemade beetroot and kale pizzas...yummy!
3. Two favourite and the prospect of/potential for cupcakes!
4. The fairy tent at nursery!
5. Matching the shapes with their pictures in the book
6 & 15. First finger painting session at home...went pretty well!
7. A tube of all pink smarties to cheer me up.
8. Carrying the fennel home!
9. Taking out current favourite book to nursery
10. Mmmm, fish fingers, potatoes and peas!
11. Yummy butterfly for mummy!
12. Wearing a new hat made by Grandma
13. Hiding legs!
14. Chilling out!
15. See above
16. Dried apple art!

Happy Friday xxx

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