Thursday, 19 February 2009


She handed me the book. I said Ta. She said Ta.
She handed me the doll. I said Ta. She said Ta.
She handed someone else the book. They said Ta. She said Ta.

We had some friends join us for dinner last night and their lovely daughter reminded me of the joys of learning new words. And the joys of teaching a toddler good manners. Yes. No. Ta.

Sometimes it bothers me when there is no thanks. No gratitude, no appreciation. But what about when you do say thanks but you’re not sure it sounds completely genuine?

I have many things to be grateful for, but this past weekend I have been treated and spoilt and surprised. I was loved and treasured and cherished. And I said thank you. Many times. Maybe too many times! But I wanted to make sure he knew that I was grateful, very grateful and full of appreciation.

So just in case the million times I said thank you weren’t enough already…here are a few more…To my wonderful husband…

Thank you for spoiling me.
Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for encouraging me.
Thank you for being patient, kind and gentle.
And thank you for being my best friend.

love your very very very grateful wife x

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