Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Big Word Wednesday #15

At the suggestion of my is a new installation of Big Word Wednesday!

 - to overwhelm with shock, surprise or wonder

Just over a week ago, I was flabbergasted.
I still am.

We were shocked and surprised to see two little people on the ultrsound screen.
We are still overwhelmed when we think about the fact that two little people will be joining our family in the same time!

I am also continually lost in wonder at the miracle of babies, and families, and how loved and supported we have been in the last few days.
We know it will be hard, and I know I will have to learn much patience and grace, both with myself and others. But it will be so worth it.

I do wonder if God was sitting in heaven looking down on us last Monday, counting down the seconds until all was revealed to our human eyes!
One dose of flabbergastedness coming up in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....!!!!

Maybe God doesn't think like that...but I'd like to think that he does sometimes. I'm sure he's got a pretty funny sense of humour!!!

What things in life have flabbergasted you?

Happy Wednesday!!!

Friday, 18 May 2012

Being an oven for two...

I would say the only major difference for me so far in this pregnancy has been the speed at which I have start to sprout a bump. This, of course, makes a bit more sense now that we know there are two people taking up residence in there!
The sickness has been pretty bad, but it was with my first pregnancy so that didn't seem any different. And I assumed I was feeling extra tired because I was running round after a toddler as well as being pregnant.

I shall endeavour to produce bump photos as I did with Ethan but this time they will need to start I have a bump already! I can't believe that at just under 14 weeks my bump is about the same as it was at 20-22 weeks with Ethan. I only have bump photos from weeks 19 and 23 last time but I have included them below for comparison with this bump. It's not the best of comparisons as the outfits and zooms are different, but you'll get the idea!

I'm now curious/slightly freaked out by just how big I'm going to get over the next few months!

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

The Bakery


Sorry I've been a bit quiet for the past few weeks. I've been a bit busy doing some baking.

Only this time, I have two buns in the oven not just one!

Yes...we're having twins!

Happy Wednesday x